Soma News

Beautiful Hikes in Olympic National Park close to our “Soma Cabin” in Lake Cushman.

Howdy from Soma Ranch!

Sunshine, clean crisp air, beautiful scenery and snow on the mountains = heaven at our Soma Cabin

Happy February!

Wow what a wonderful start to the year we had with our month of JOY. Lovely to be learning from each of the fabulous teachers on the Soma team. Inspired by the recent Nia 5 stages training, Irene provided a fabulous Mini Feldenkrais series that focused on 1 of the 5 stages every week. These Wednesday 30 minute class were extremely creative and super helpful for participants.

Starting out our “Love Journey” through February. Helen is teaching a “double scoop” in the morning. Both the Nia 5 stages 8:45am class (with focus Heart) and the Sade “Lover’s Rock” experience.

As usual classes are available online via Zoom and through 24HR replay.

PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE A NEW ZOOM MEETING ID FOR THE 10AM CLASS. email if you need help signing inl

Thanks to Joe “holding down the fort at Soma” during the recent freeze, Helen was able to escape to Seattle and Lake Cushman to enjoy precious time with Daughter and Son-in-Law. With remarkable cool, crisp, sunny days, they were able to explore wonderful hikes from the cabin. We would LOVE to share the gem of a place with you. Let us know if you are interested in booking a weekend, week or extended rental OR to be part of one of Helen’s personalized relaxing-hiking-exploring vacations in the Olympic National Park, staying at the Cabin.

Hope to dance with you soon,


Helen, (and Joe, Horses: Zephyr & Roger and of course Da Donkeys ;-)
