Happy Friday! AND Happy December!
November’s month’s foci of Gratitude was beyond expectations. The creativity, and BIG HEART, of our team and community, is touching. THANK YOU every body who signed up for our Thanksgiving Sunday Jam. We had 108 people register for the class!. We loved this CELEBRATION moving movement experience, with the entire teaching team collectively teaching a class online full of gratitude. The feedback and comments from participants was lovely.
From this huge successful and joyful experience, we’ve decided to schedule 3 jams for 2024: Love, Freedom and Thanks, save the dates!
Everybody who has attended any of our 30 day movement challenges is invited to attend as our guests.
This morning we began our December movement challenge with a “Say Hello and Goodbye” 30 min experience with Helen. Enjoy this 24HR replay as our gift. (email Helen for the FREE SAMPLE link). This opportunity will give you a taste of the classes and community, and there’s still time to consider signing up for December NOW.
Several folks have requested an extension on the Soma Sales, either they were away over the holidays or they simply needed a few days into December to financially make the commitment. In line with our month of “yes we can”. We have extended the Soma Sales. Check here where we explain the great “add on” benefits of signing up now for a 2024 Soma Ranch training or retreat, with savings of up to $800 when you sign up for a retreat AND 365 days of classes in 2024. In summary,
EVERYbody who signs up for a Nia Training at Soma Ranch can choose to either receive a 30 day movement challenge for free OR the entire 365 day challenge for only $499.
EVERYbody who signs up for a Soma Retreat receives $300 off the retreat AND can choose to either receive a 30 day movement challenge for free OR the entire 365 day challenge for only $499.
Helen is attending an aquatic exercise course this weekend, thank you to Natasha who is teaching Saturday morning classes, y’all are in for a treat.
Be well, with love from
Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma
Here’s our “photos of the week”, the family who stayed at Soma over Thanksgiving were extremely successful with fishing (Joe says it should really be called catching!). One of the Grandsons caught 7+ fish in less than an hour!)