Wish You Were Here

Hi! Wish You Were Here!

Here is the Nia Blue Belt group expressing “we wish you were here” with their bodies. I hope you can sense the joy, love and connection.

We’ve begun our Nia Blue Belt here at Soma Ranch; for 7 days, we dance, play, learn and explore concepts about communication, relationship and intimacy.

  • How to communicate optimally

  • How to help relationships flourish

  • How to notice, pay attention to and enjoy details

Here’s who’s attending from near and far:

A joy to share the wonders of Soma Ranch with new folks and returning fans. A delight to witness regular participants in class BEAMING at the connection and the joy of dancing with Nia Trainees. One class participant today, as walking out, shared “So great to see the room filled with all these people, we made it!”

There are extra classes and special events you are invited to attend online, in person or via 24 HR replay:
