Nia Jam for St. Jude

During our upcoming Nia Blue Belt at Soma Ranch, we have added two fabulous 30 minute Nia JAMS! You’re invited to join us in person, online or via 24HR replay request. All Proceeds go to St. Jude. All you need to is (1) Register for the class (2) Make a donation

What is a Nia JAM?

A Nia JAM is a Nia experience team taught by more than one teacher. A Nia jam has a strong community, collaboration, cooperation vibe! Where teachers, and participants, of all different experience and skill levels, come together, in a super safe, supportive and loving environment, to celebrate connection, dance, music, fun and more.

During this special Nia blue belt week each Nia Jam will be led by a collective group from the Nia participants on the course. Each experience will include the 7 cycles of a regular Nia class, there will be a focus and intent offered at the beginning and sustained throughout the experience. The Focus and joy of movement are the threads that run from song to song and teacher to teacher.

WHY do Nia JAM?

TRAINEES are invited to participate in Nia Jams to

  • take a safe risk

  • experience teaching in a highly supportive environment

  • enjoy teaching a big group of participants in the room AND online

  • explore the technology how to teach hybrid

  • have the opportunity to share (through body and voice)

  • hone skills of teaching with a microphone

  • be seen and appreciated

  • have the opportunity for feedback


  • a variety of teachers and styles

  • a super laid back welcoming environment

  • a taste of the joy of movement

  • a window into the world of Nia trainings

All Jam classes are community open experiences. You are invited to attend and encouraged to make a donation of any amount to St Jude. You are welcome to attend IN PERSON or ONLINE or request a 24HR replay.
