A Time of Celebration ~ "Rising"

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As a Christian, at Easter time, I would feel the strong desire to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. I'd also want to honor the uniqueness of everyone in class and be accepting of all religions, beliefs and faiths. Therefore coming into class with "let's all celebrate Jesus!" simply was not going to work. I felt the creative tension between my personal faith and professional responsibility then found myself jumping up and down when a fabulous solution came to me! A playlist compiled of songs to do with Rising with a focus around the concept "Rising".

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This Nia Experience “Rising” is adapted from the classic Nia routine "Mantra", originally designed by Carlos Aya Rosas and one of the first routines Helen learned.

Focus: Movement as mantra and a metaphor for self, community, life. Beginning with sensing the belly (our core) notice how this “moma cell” can:

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  1. contract/extend,

  2. bend/lean,

  3. figure 8.

The Belly is a substance with

  1. strength (resilience),

  2. elasticity (ability to bounce back),

  3. fluidity (go with the flow).

After (1) embodying the focus in the Belly we (2) expand awareness to the belly of the 700 muscles in our body, then (3) to the 70+ trillion cells. All the same mantra of movement.

  • We sense inward (Body, Belly, Muscles, Connective Tissue, Cell)

  • We also sense outwards (Body, Self, Others, Class, Community, Global)

Intent: From inward + outward awareness we develop a sense of inter-connection "we are one". The Mantra, the movement, our lives and community continues. This is a time for celebration. An invitation to be inspired to rise up above anything that draws us down.

  • We are strong

  • We bounce back

  • We go with the flow

You're invited to come celebrate and join in the dance at Soma Ranch. 

10-11am Saturday, March 31,  $15 drop in, $40 for 4 classes.

Wear comfortable clothes, bring a water bottle and a smile.
