Celebrating 25 years of teaching Nia

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This year Helen celebrates both being married and teaching Nia for 25 years. We invite you to come join in the 25 year anniversary celebration at our annual Blue Electric Storm retreat. Sign up NOW!!

During this year of celebration, Helen is sharing archives and memories from this fabulous 1/4 century journey. Here's a little background on why this annual retreat is called "Blue Electric Storm"

From the Natural Time Calendar the day we are born is

  • one of 13 tones (moons) 
  • one of 20 tribes
  • the tribe is one of 4 colors (Red, White, Blue or Yellow).

Helen's tone is Electric, her tribe is Storm and the color for storm is Blue. i..e her signature is Blue Electric Storm.

In 2008 Helen became a blue belt trainer and bought/opened a new location for the NiaMoves studio with co-owner Kristie Bryant, it was also the Blue Electric Storm year in natural time!) Seeing this as 3 great reasons to celebrate Helen created a retreat called "Blue Electric Storm (BES 2018 for short!). She invited 13 black belts and 52 participants to enjoy a weekend of dancing, eating, connecting and having fun. Joe (Helen's husband) provided yummy meals. Massive dancing human puppets were part of the party surprise. The grande finale was a "Nia jam class" (where the 13 black belts team taught) at the Houston Grande Opera! With 13 black belts teaching and about 200 participants attending it was a marvelous way to end the celebration weekend!

This retreat became an annual event that occurs over the natural time New Year (July 24 - 26). The experience was also a significant seed that influenced the birth of Soma Ranch. Something that ignited the dream to create a residential facility to hold retreats like BES. A place where folks could stay, eat, play, dance and have fun.

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