Happy Kidney Cleanse

3 days + 3 gallons of pressed apple juice = kidney cleanse

Years ago, in chronic pain symptoms of passing a kidney stone, Dr. Lisa Acocella encouraged me to begin a kidney cleanse instead of opting for the emergency room. It worked! In the process I discovered how cleansing helps me reset my button and enhance my power to make choices that serve me and my body well.

This time of year (holidays, stress and extra opportunities for over eating…) I easily tumble into eating habits that create havoc on my well being. As a recovering sugar-holic I find this kidney cleanse helps me find the power to make choices that help me and my body be happy.

Within 3 days I receive clarity of mind, emotional balance and a strong desire to only eat healthy food - and I feel GREAT.

The recipe is very simple:
3 days + 3 gallons of pressed apple juice = kidney cleanse.

  • Buy the cloudy like pressed apple juice from HEB or Whole Foods.

  • Drink 8oz of juice on the hour every hour for 3 days.

  • Don’t eat any food.

  • When possible don’t drink water.

  • Minimize activities: optimize cleanse for body mind emotion and spirit.

  • Maximize the cleanse: rest, journal(I LOVE clearing out my closets etc.)

  • Book a colonic for day 4 (the day after the cleanse).

The sugar in the apple juice gives me the energy to function.
The fluid of the apple juice helps me stay hydrated.
The acid in the apple juice makes the kidneys work and actually push out any kidney stones if they are there***

At the end of this 3 day cleanse the body is primed and ready for a gallbladder cleanse - that’s definitely the next level - let me know when you are ready and curious for this LOL

The first few hours challenge my will power.
After that I slip into a wonderful place of suspension where I no longer feel desperate for food!

Every time is different, and each person is unique and therefore responds differently on the cleanse.

Set yourself up for success.
Don’t do this alone.
Seek support.

Let me know if you’d like to journey on a cleanse with me.
A couple of times I’ve “buddied” up with someone
i.e. we go through the 3 days together and support each other
If you’d like to dive in please post a comment here or email direct.

*** may be over sharing here… out of curiosity the first time I did this cleanse I urinated through a sieve. I witnesses tiny glass like looking sand that apparently was my kidney stone (s) having been broken down and able to be passed without pain.

Update on 2011-12-06 20:05 by Helen Terry

“…_poverty has a very human face-one that is different from “simplicity”.
Poverty is involuntary and debilitating, whereas simplicity is voluntary and enabling_.”
~Duane Elgin
Day 2 of kidney cleanse: this is the first time I’ve done a cleanse in cold weather. It makes a difference. I have had to slow down and do less. In fact I finally surrendered as I felt my body and soul push me to go to bed! First I sent a “note to self” …in future be sure to only do this cleanse during warm climate. Then, after the third nap of the day I slipped into to an Ah Ha moment of “oh! - this is the better way to cleanse!” just crazy that my body had to force me (like an aikido throw to the floor) to rest. Thank you body. Now I rest and drift and dream and I can feel clarity seeping in from the simplicity of this practice. This feels better than a vacation. New concept: how to reap the benefits of a vacation, and much more, without leaving your home!

OK - enough - I’ve got a lot of resting to do :-)
Let me know if you’d like help with making this happen in your life.
I highly recommend it and will gladly help you through it.

From the positive response received I’ll likely guide a group through this process in January.

Congrats to Georgia Lister and Amy Stanley who chose to tag along on this 3 day cleanse.
We’re past half way. How are you doing?

Update on 2012-03-07 04:31 by Helen Terry

At the end of the Kidney Cleanse we are primed and ready for the Gallbladder cleanse. There are several variations, I’ll share what’s worked for me (with some alternatives). On the 3rd night stop drinking the apple juice at 6pm. Have fresh grapefruits (or lemons) and Olive oil (or peanut oil). Squeeze 4oz of juice and measure 2oz of oil. Have them in the fridge (I used kombucha bottles). When ready for sleep, do everything you need to do (including brush your teeth! ;-). Mix juice and oil together, shake them up, standing up, slug down the mixture (use a straw if needed). I like to leave a little of the juice separate to wash down last. As soon as you drink the mixture lay down on your right hand side and pray for sleep!! First time I did this I felt very nauseous and freaked out for about 10 minutes, then fell asleep. The following morning expect to need to go to the bathroom and be optimistic of seeing things/colors leave your body that have never been seen before! I recommend you book a colonic in advance for this 4th day of the cleanse. If you live in Houston contact me for a recommendation - she is an “angel”.

Big thanks to Lisa Acocella who lead me through my first Kidney/GallBladder cleanse many years ago.
