Home From Blue Belt in Pittsboro, NC

Lovely to be home for more than 2 weeks. I’m just back from a fabulous Blue Belt training in Pittsboro, NC. Congratulations and deep gratitude to Nia Blue Belt, Darlene Downing for a fabulous job producing this event, with thanks and well done to Nia Black Belt, Lynda Heymen for manifesting an amazing studio. I thoroughly enjoyed the Nia Triangle Community. They supported the training well, with 26 folks attending the pre-training Belt event “Sexi 2 for 1” and many coming to public classes. Several Blue belt graduates audited sessions. This was extra fun for me, having trained most of these graduates at Blue Belts in Portland over the past 2 years.

I love this picture, it captures the fun community’s spirit and a taste of our terrific week together. Thank you Triangle Nia - you guys rock! Visit http://thejoyofmovementcm.com/ for more information about this super studio.
