WE did it!

Congratulations we exceeded our goal to raise $5000! We’ continue to receive donations through March 11. Thank you everyone who has donated…

  • participants who attended and contributed at 1st Morning Coffees, Extra Classes and Special Events,

  • folks who donated ONLINE

  • everyone who provided a donation for Helen’s Birthday

St. Jude is our Soma charity partner. During the year Soma Ranch offers open houses, coffee mornings, special events and classes where 100% of funds collected go towards Finding Cures. Saving Children

FYI Helen (co-owner Soma) runs the Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon as a St Jude “Hero”, a group of runners who run to raise funds for St Jude. The event was Feb 27, 2022.


Helen ran the whole way! (13.1 miles), her time was 2:12:09 She finished:

  • 60 out of 582 in her age group!

  • 1266th place out of 7359 women and

  • 3667th place out of 13,354 runners.

  • St Jude raised a total of $429,426
