Welcome to May, we hope you are safe and dry. Here in Montgomery we are experiencing historic floods. Yesterday morning our rain gage was over flowing! we received more than 5 inches of rain in a few hours! Fortunately all animals and buildings are fairing well and the trees and grass appear very happy
Please continue Prayers for Chris Disser, who received her new kidney at the Mayo Clinic 2 weeks ago.
Kicking off our May 30 day Movement challenge Irene taught the most AMAZING Feldenkrais class, I stepped in with very sore feet, I stepped out with lightness and ease!
Helen is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “Sensation Scientist” and the Nia Routine “Bloom” We will focus on Sensation Science, exploring how the body works, communicates and co-operates.
We have begun the Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9). let us know if you’d like to pop in for a class, day retreat or join us for a lovely retreat.
Now’s a perfect time to sign up for our May 30 day “dance through life” challenge. And save the date, our next Cuppa is Monday, May 6, hope you can join us.
Be liquid, Stay dry
Be well, with love from
Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.