Helen Terry Deep Dive with Sensation Saturday July 1

This Saturday Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am. Focus: Sharing What You Sense for both classes. In the Nia 10am class, we will be dancing with the Nia Routine Deep Dive. Initiating our 30 day challenge focus of Sensational Fitness & Health. Here enjoy a short video clip about what to expect in class.

Helen Terry 8:45am Nia 5 Stages and 10am Nia (CT)

Helen is thrilled to be kicking of another month with our focus of Sensational Movement, Fitness + Health.

  • 8:45 Nia 5 Stages lesson Share What You Sense through Smell, Sight, Taste, Hear & Touch.

  • 10am Nia class will continue this focus in relationship sharing through movement what we sense with the Nia Routine Deep Dive.

The intent will be to invigorate our body and feel vibrantly alive.

We would love for y’all to join us!


Explore Nia Deep Dive with Helen Terry

“Hi Movement Friends,

I'm looking forward to sharing both Nia 5 Stages and a simple adaptation of the Nia body of work "Deep Dive" with you all this Saturday--a double feature!

The focus of Nia class is sharing what we sense with the intent to invigorate our body and feel vibrantly alive”

I love the way a somatic movement practice, like Nia, allows us to dive deep into sensation as we listen and dance to fabulous music. I hope you can join us, love, Helen”

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 day challenge and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

This class is ONLINE = 2 great choices:

  1. Join us online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

We can live in the world
through the head – thinking how to function,
or we can live in the world
perceiving the entire body
as a sensory organ.

Thinking actually gets in the way of
your body’s ability to sense.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you will Listen to the Music of your body as you move. You will Dance to the Music of your body. You will be placing your attention on sensation, the Voice of the Body. You will share what you sense by moving in Pleasure and expressing that Pleasure though your whole body.

“Hi Movement Friends,

I’m looking forward to sharing both Nia 5 Stages and a simple adaptation of the Nia body of work “Deep Dive” with you all this Saturday—a double feature!

The focus of Nia class is sharing what we sense with the intent to invigorate our body and feel vibrantly alive”

Love xoxo
— Helen Terry

This year we are following a tradition at the beginning of each month with the Nia Routine Deep Dive. This is an experience where we choose to say good bye to the month before as we step into the new month, ready to say Hello to the new month. Following the principle of let go of something to welcome something new in.

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more
