2019 miles in 2019

As we approach the end of 2019, for the 4th year, Helen Terry is close to completing the year in miles, that is achieving running+walking 2019 miles in 2019!

With 2014 miles completed, and 3 days to go, the finish line is within reach.

Being super relived to not have to run a marathon on Dec 31st!, Helen plans to arrive at Soma Ranch on December 31, for the 10am BND Nia class, with 2018 miles accomplished, ready to run the final mile after class!

You’re invited to come to Soma Ranch to cheer Helen at the finish line at about 11:20am (after the 10am Nia class) or you’re welcome to run the last mile with her!

Big shout out and thanks to Helen’s Mum who, helped construct a spread sheet to show the dream was still possible. It’s a great example of how setting goals, keeping records and plugging away, day by day, can really add up.

The process Helen follow is:

  1. the dream,

  2. breaking it down into goals,

  3. taking daily action,

  4. provide rewards for achievements along the way,

  5. call on friends to stay motivated

Our Mission

RTE is a community where everyone is welcome regardless of age, skill, zip code, wallet size, job, or primary form of transportation. That’s why our mission is Everyone Included, Everyone Challenged, Everyone Successful.
