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Early Bird Rates continue through midnight this Sunday for Men of Nia retreat at Soma Ranch (April 26 - 28)
Folks have the misconception this retreat is for men only. Truth is the Men of Nia Retreat is welcoming of everyone, and we celebrate Men of Nia with 4 key World Class Male Presenters (Mark, JAG, Ray and Alan)
Early Bird rates are extended through midnight Sunday for Men of Nia retreat. Folks have the misconception this retreat is for men only. Truth is the Men of Nia Retreat is welcoming of everyone, and we celebrate Men of Nia with 4 key World Class Male Presenters (Mark, JAG, Ray and Alan)
Big thanks to Nia second degree black belt instructor, Fred Bass, who created and introduces a fabulous video series of interviews with "Men who do Nia"! Here’s his introduction:
Fred has wonderfully captured the essence of some of the fabulous Men who do Nia
click HERE for more clips from the series.
AND check out more information on the Men of Nia retreat, we’d love you to join us.