AfroCelt Further InTo Time Experience

Super excited to be sharing this special event. Saturday, March 7, 2020, 7:30 - 8:45pm. Adapted from an original Nia routine “SkyDancing” by Carlos Aya Rosas, the AfroCelt Experience leads us through a journey of discovery, with the Core and Extremities (Legs and Arms). We explore:

  • Gift of Travel ~ Legs

  • Gift of expression ~ Arms

  • Gift of connection ~ Core

With the intent to feel fully, and systemically, connected to the entire body (like connecting all the dots) by the end of class.

An Album like “Further in Time”, with a band like Afro Celt Sound System, creates a fun, fabulous and expansive sound back drop from which to choreograph moves to, the result being a magical experience.

Sliding scale $5 - 50. All funds go to St Jude, our Soma Charity for 2020.
