Preparing for Half Marathon

I'm on the wire for training for my 5th 1/2 marathon, Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas, on Feb 23. (and raising funds!)

Exciting news is my parents will be joining Joe and I for the trip (first time to Vegas for them!)

My training has been hindered by weather, foot injury, lingering upper respiratory stuff and more. I've let go of my PB goal to achieve an under 2 hour run. Now I've shifted to "let's see if I can finish!"

Here's an article I researched in preparation for my last week of training: "what to do in the week of half marathon"

Here's more information, and the donation link, if you'd like to "run the race" to kill cancer with me. Every dollar counts, if every one of my facebook friends donated $1 we would exceed my minimal goal of $5000 with ease and likely reach my annual desired goal of $8888+. We are at $2153 as I type this update.
