How to Integrate: Flow + Bounce = Flounce

Here Helen Terry shares a little about her class this morning.

Benefits of Isolating to Integrate, Foci: Flow + Bounce = Flounce

How to keep on keeping on when devastating things are happening in a different part of the world

FOCUS: Flow and Bounce, from below, above, out, in.

INTENT: Develop a felt sense of flounce (integrated flow bounce) in our breath, body and life.

The truth is we are all individual integrated nested systems, who are an integrated part of the nested system called universe/life.

There is benefit to investing time in the concept "isolate to integrate". That is to isolate our focus on individual parts (like legs then arms, front then back, flow then bounce) then consciously choose to integrate, with great knowledge and deeper felt sense of the parts and their connection with the whole.

This focus on separate parts of our wholeness, once reintegrated, provides the potential to feel more and to develop a deeper felt sense of connected integration.
