Thank you Lesa for sharing a lovely review about your experience with Soma Ranch. We appreciate you and how you keep coming back for more.
“Beautiful slice of Texas hospitality with Helen and Joe and the donkeys and horses! I’ve been a repeat customer since 2018 for retreats and Nia trainings and keep returning due to the sense of a truly cocooning retreat experience. Abundantly healthful and delicious food for the body by Joe while experiencing transformative Nia training and other retreats with Helen. Then there’s the comfy beds, pool, hot tub, sauna...great experience!”
Lesa has been coming to Soma Ranch for over a decade! We love how, with Lesa living in the Dallas area, she’s able to attend retreats and trainings at the ranch and attend classes online via Zoom in between time.
Lesa has been a DAILY attendee of the 30 Day Challenge program since it began in January 2022! She finds a way to juggle her traveling and Grand Parent duties to make the commitment to dance on a regular basis, Lesa always has something encouraging to share with the group. Thank you for being a wonderful part of our community.