Help us flourish in 2025

As a participant in the 30 day challenge program, you have been an important and integral part of our flourishing community around the globe. You have also helped encourage, develop and improve the members of our Soma teaching team. We appreciate you deeply.

  1. Thank you for dancing with us in the 30 day challenge program.

  2. Enter to win some great prizes when you complete our survey.

  3. You’re invited to a FREE jam this Sunday; Celebrate with Gratitude

We value you and your feedback. Can you help us flourish in 2025?

Please complete the following survey by Dec 4th to help us plan for classes in 2025.

You will be entered into a draw with the chance to win one of the following giveaways:

  • 1 x Annual Pass (Value $999)

  • 1 x Three Month Pass (Value $297)

  • 1 x Five Class Pass (Value $75)
