Congratulations Nia Brown Belts — Soma Ranch

Congratulations Nia Brown Belts

Congratulations Nia Brown Belt graduates; Jules, Julie, Natasha. Gratitude to repeaters Gigi, Sue and Lesa. Big thank you to Angela, Sarah, Gerise, Peggy and Krista who attended and retreated for part of the week, enjoying meals, some brown belt session reviews and joys.


The following photos give “favorite frames” of what happens at Soma Ranch.

  • A favorite joy to witness is the life long, deep and meaningful friendships that are fostered during an immersive Nia Training retreat at Soma Ranch

  • Celebration photo on the fence at the end of a Nia 7 day training is a precious moment in time, shared with Soma Ranch and Nature in all their glory

  • As a Nia trainer, standing in the center of our circle at graduation I feel incredibly blessed and fortunate to be in the presence of such amazing humans who have been present, kind and vibrant throughout their training

  • At the Nia Brown belt the special extra photo under “The Brown Belt” tree is usually an incredibly symbolic of growth. This year we were so in the flow we neglected this detail (Helen plans to photo shop a “recreation”) This was the 11th Nia Brown belt training hosted at Soma Ranch. At the first Debbie Rosas presented Helen (and Soma Ranch) with a 3 foot oak tree. The tree is now 11 times it’s size!

  • Enjoying non alcoholic sparkling cider, witnessing the bubbles, hearing the fizz, giggling out our accomplishments is a sweet part of our graduation traditions.

  • Joe is an artist with food, he provides fun visual yummy surprises at our graduation lunch. Like the Soma Ranch logo cut from a red bell pepper on top of guacamole and the Nia logo stenciled from paprika on top of home made hummus.

  • Thank you Natasha, as a member of our teaching team and helpful participant, your role as joyful photographer is much appreciated.

  • Something we LOVE about trainings and our adaptable tables in the dining hall, is the ability to all sit around the same table on the last meal. One by one we share favorite frames experienced from the Nia training week together, from life changing to laughable moments, the shares blend together into a beautiful, most touching, closing sharing circle.


Congratulations Nia Brown Belts. What an honor to share this experience with you at Soma Ranch, for friendships to deepen and opportunities to open.

Dreams come true as we celebrate our 11th Nia Brown Belt Immersive Retreat here at Soma Ranch. Congratulations Nia Brown Belts! YOU inspire, support and encourage us to keep on keepin’ on at Soma Ranch.

Now, as we say in Texas “y’all come back and see us soon now, y’ah here!”

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from $20.00