Dr. Deb Kern is teaching 10am August 13 — Soma Ranch

Dr. Deb Kern is teaching 10am August 13

My dear friend and fabulous teacher, Deb Kern, will be teaching the 10am class this Saturday morning, August 13. This is an online class via zoom and a wonderful opportunity. 24 Hour replay is available.

Dr Deb Kern shares her sparkle, excitement and info about class she’s covering for Helen at 10am on Saturday..

Deb is excited to be able to dance with you, her focus is balancing our central nervous system, moving with self love and joy, couple of songs from Olivia Newton-John to honor and celebrate her, get ready for a GREAT time. “hope to see you live and if not see you on the replay!”

Deb is also teaching Soma Faith “The Lord’s Prayer - Line 4 at 5pm Sunday, August 14 ONLINE (Not In Person)

visit https://www.drdebkern.com/ for more information about the fabulous, the magnificent, the one and only Dr Deb Kern ;-)

Soma Class Rates
from $20.00
Soma Faith Class
from $5.00