Congratulations Nia Blue Belts

Wow! what an amazing week at Soma Ranch with 11 wonderful women from around the country (and Canada!) who came together and co- created magic.

We danced, explored, learned, shared, laughed AND LAUGHED a lot! A lovely reminder of how when we stay light, engaged and curious deep work and self discovery can evolve with minimum frustration/pain and maximum fascination/pleasure.

Folks arrived on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon.

Something wonderfully confirming sings inside of me when I set up the studio for the first night “yes! this is why we’re here!”.

Sitting around the Soma Dining Room table on the first night, hearing where folks are from and learning a little more about each other, is a lovely way to get to know each other.

The studio “community social” room (fondly called the LOVE room) lends itself well to some of the Nia Blue Belt Sessions (like the Power of 2 ~ Communication).

The studio “dance” room (fondly called the JOY room) bring wonderful light, awesome sound and sparkling sprung birch wood floor.

During the week we played with a “color of the day”, fun to feel connection and take great photos!

As Joe says “people eat with their eyes” we had some lovely food as art, the newly constructed dock on the pond was enjoyed. As was a wonderful circle around the fire evening.

This was the first SOLD OUT Nia training to enjoy the newly appointed Pavilion over the back deck. From dawn to past dusk, with our comfy outdoor furniture, there were many meaningful conversations and great giggles experienced. Lovely memories created as we enjoyed the breeze, perfect temperature and beautiful nature sounds, undercover outdoors.

We love how we can “sparkle” a Nia Training experience with excursions, special events and the opportunity to connect with the herd (our precious rescued horses and donkeys)

Joe took us out for a sunrise, moonset boat ride, on Lake Conroe.

The full moon eclipse was AMAZING from the pool area at Soma Ranch.

We enjoyed conversations around the dining table, Nia in the pool and HYBRID (simultaneous in person and online) Nia Classes.

Teaching “Fun Friday” (where the class brings the moves, I, Helen, bring the moves and together we co-create magical experience) was extra special with all the Nia Blue Belt participants dancing with me in the studio!

Our Graduation lunch party was fun with Joe creating food with the Nia and Soma Ranch logo, sparkling (non alcoholic) fizzy bubbly in our “wedding flutes”.

Wonderful parting photos with everybody wearing their Soma Ranch T Shirts
