Happy December!
Joe and I (Helen), hope you are well and enjoy the shift of seasons.
Who say’s there’s no fall in Texas y’all!
The leaves changing colors and falling this year are spectacular.
Here’s a few snippets we captured yesterday here at Soma Ranch.
November was a vibrant month here at Soma Ranch, Fabulous to see Former Business partner Kristie Bryant who came to visit, Congratulations Nia Green Belts, Thank you 1st Monday Cuppa (we had a grand time and raised $52 for St Jude)
December is the beginning of an exciting new chapter. Mid month, Helen gets to visit her parents in the UK and there’s an AWESOME team of talent stepping in to help cover classes and provide you with fabulous experiences and a taste of what is to come in 2023.
Hope you’ll consider joining us either for the whole month or select classes that work best with your schedule. Our 30 day challenge begins today and Next Monday is our 1st Cuppa Community get together