Iain R.I.P.

For the past 8 years (John) Iain Maitland has been our faithful, fantastic, reliable and most amusing driver between Houston IAH airport and Soma Ranch.

Curiously along the way Iain became a sweet friend. We had a fun "banter", quick blasts of "Hellos, Goodbyes, catch ups and Hugs" and chilled coco-colas were always waiting for him in the (secret) fridge.

With a heavy heart, and a well of gratitude beyond the tears, I'm sad to announce Iain has died (peacefully at home, which was his desire/request).

Until very recently Iain was his usual unique sweet self, picking up passengers and bringing a sparkle to my day.

Iain will be missed. We celebrate him, his life and how he touched ours.

Everything happened fast, his family had flown in from Ireland to be with him, and were able to speak with him before he passed.

We'll be sure to pass on information about arrangements as plans progress.
