Move, Feel to Heal

Nia Class_ Mask & Mirror.png

FOCUS: Living as a Sensation Scientist

INTENT: Guided by sensation to make body and life choices and decisions

One of the Nia 5 stages lessons, based on a Nia White belt principle, is called Creating A Sacred Life. We recognize the sacredness of our body, every single part of our body. How our body is dedicated to a single purpose, our life! Our body is the physical container (Glorious Temple) of our life.

Through this moving, healing class experience you are encouraged to cultivate your thoughts and feelings to be all about your sacred health and well-being.

Your body’s purpose is to provide you with an in-body experience. Your purpose is to do what is most meaningful, that will guide you into your greatness.

If you like the sound of this please also check out the up coming Nia 5 Stages 7 week course (2 hours a week of healing connection)
