Welcome to your 2021 Nia Course

Celebrate the new year with a joy! (1).png

Dear Nia Trainee,

Welcome! Thank you for signing up and joining me on this fabulous Nia journey. Our new OnLine Nia Training platform brings you many gifts. You're going to be able to

  • digest the material in small chunks 2 hours a week

  • be part of a private Facebook group

  • take a public class with Nia Founder Debbie Rosas, on Fridays

  • access to Nia TV

  • attend Nia classes ONLINE with Helen during the week via Zoom

This is an opportunity to relax your thinking mind, be in the pleasure of learning with fascination up and frustration down. See you soon in the zoom room!

Links and more information will be coming to your inbox very soon. Let me know how I may help more.

with love


