Gratitude for a Great Beginning


This year has been wonderful and a whirlwind all at the same time! I’m about to step into my 4th Week of Nia training/coaching this year (Nia White Belt at Soma, Nia Brown Belt in Budapest, Coaching Retreat for Nia Brown Belts at Soma and now Nia Green Belt at Soma). Writing out my achievements so far helps me lighten up with regards my feelings around my ever growing to do list.

Sometimes I feel I do life in “Nia Land” with much more ease than “Real Life”. The opportunity to submerse into the practice of Nia, connecting with lovely like minded people from around the world, dancing, laughing, seeing I’m making a difference, enjoy witnessing the joy and progress of attendees, what’s not to love?!

I do my best to practice “Dancing Through Life”, a principle in Nia, where there is no separation between the joy we experience in class and the joy we experience in life. With a Nia practice ideally all experiences become delicious pleasure, living in our body, consciously dancing though life and practicing our life as art.

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How fabulous it is to experience life with focused attention. We know from Aikido, energy follows attention. I love how Nia Training retreats are fabulous focused embodied experiences.

Nia Courses most often provide incredible life changing transformation for those who attend.

Leading Nia Training retreats bring an amazing surge of energy and deep satisfaction. Whether I’m teaching, on the dance floor or serving someone in our community, I feel deeply honored and love the experience.

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During the Green Belt I’ll be teaching daily at Soma for a week, 10am every day and 5pm on Sunday (Lauren Dangle)

The Nia Green Team will be co-leading jams. These 5pm team taught classes are a fabulous way to taste many personalities, enjoy the unique teaching style of each Nia Teacher and be part of a lovely local community.

I’m teaching in Fort Worth Friday, Feb 28, and Dallas Sunday, March 1. (Sandwiched between being in Oklahoma to Celebrate Jeni Hallidays 60th Birthday. An extra special bonus is my former business partner, Kristie Bryant will join me for the celebration and a Saturday night sleep over!

We have several fabulous retreats coming up, including the Writers NEST Retreat in March and Blue Electric Storm Retreat in July. Now is a great time to sign up and SAVE. You can then relax and begin to forward to an amazingly fun and rewarding time at Soma Ranch. Research has shown this alone (planning something to look forward to) is exceedingly good for your health and longevity!

FYI with so much happening we have shifted the Men of Nia retreat to 2021, dates TBC.
