Letter from Nia FreeDance Leaders

Dear Dancing Friends,

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We’d like to personally invite you to one of our Nia FreeDance Trainings. We thought you’d like to know more about the two days so here goes:

Nia FreeDance, Art of Conscious Dance, is the ultimate conscious dance experience that celebrates and brings people closer to the source of their authentic dance, where body, emotions, mind and spirit unite, creating an artful movement experience. This unique class unlocks people's creativity, giving them a sensation of aliveness and freedom where they are the master artist of their body and life.

Nia FreeDance training is for everyBody. This means Nia teachers, Nia belts, Nia students, and students of all movement modalities. In addition, it is a wonderful 2 day creative experience for writers, actors, artists...everyone! The training is 2 days of deep and rich exploration into movement creativity, music, voice, and leadership.

Day 1 of the training, we dive deep into the experience and the sensation of Nia FreeDance. This includes somatic (body based) exercises that explore:

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• Our body’s natural way of creating change through movement.

• FreeDance WB principle 1 as a foundation and part of the

history of Nia FreeDance.

• Architecture of the class, and how each part of the class

unleashes movement creativity via body, emotions, mind and spirit.

• Magic of Music, and how to sense the stimulation of the music

in our body, the key inspiration for movement creativity.

Day 2 of the training, we continue the Nia FreeDance experience, adding tools and somatic exercises to embody the knowledge to teach a Nia FreeDance class. This includes:

• Voice, as an instrument to motivate, calm and stimulate change

and creativity.

• Nia DJ leadership skills.

• Class environment.

• Break down and practice of the Nia FreeDance class


• Nia FreeDance class practice.

• Music sources and playlist.

Each day there is a Nia FreeDance class led by the trainers.

Additional thoughts from Adelle and Joanie... with this training, we have experienced:

• The tools and experiences provided in this training are for

everybody, and can be used to enhance their life and work.

• Nia teachers receive the tools and guidance to not only teach a Nia FreeDance class *immediately after the training*, but also enhances movement creativity and leadership in their current classic Nia classes.

• EveryBody who takes the training gains a deeper appreciation

of, and love for, their unique dance. The power of Nia FreeDance has them connecting to their inner artist, opening new pathways for creativity in their daily life.

• The training motivates and inspires Nia Belts who are not teaching to step into being a Nia teacher. There is a sensation of YES, "I can do this!!"

• Students are inspired to move more freely in class and in their

lives. They are more excited about Nia, as well as being open to the potential of taking a Nia White Belt.

You can teach immediately following the training if you are a licensed Nia teacher member.

Currently there is no apprenticeship program. Instead there is a FUN 8 week teaching guide developed by your trainers to help you integrate Nia FreeDance within your classic Nia class and prepare you to guide a Nia FreeDance class.

See YOU on the dance floor! With love, Adelle and Joanie
