Soma Ranch Celebrates 9 Years

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Please join us this Sunday at Soma Ranch as we celebrate 9 years of business, friendships and joy.  Dress extremely casual, bring a suit and towel if you'd like to swim and closed toe shoes/boots if you'd like to brush donkeys or go fishing! 

There's no cost for the class, pool or visiting, come and enjoy the ranch as our guests. 

No gifts needed for this birthday party. If you'd like to contribute a cash donation you'll find a bowl in the kitchen! 50% goes to the B.A.R.E retreat ladies who retreat at Soma several times a year, the other 50% goes to our "build an orchard" fund at Soma.  

Please RSVP if you are coming, reply to this email or text 832-567-4550.  

With love and gratitude, Helen & Joe   

