2018 Challenge

Do you thrive on challenge? have a goal this month? this year? Setting goals is a major way I make things happen, without having something to work towards I think I'd float in limbo and self destruction! Part of my process is to:

Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 9.39.11 PM.png
  1. set goals,
  2. make a plan,
  3. write it down!
  4. share with others to be accountable
  5. don't give up when there's a set back 
  6. reward for good behavior and encourage on the tough days.

In 2016 I successfully ran 2016 miles. Last year I had the goal of 2017 and didn't accomplish it. This year I'm striving to achieve 2018 miles. I've had some rocky times (weather, illness, travel) yet now, with 1/4 of the year done, I'm on track!

I find my mile bank to be very similar to my money bank. An "overdraft" in miles is a dipleating upward struggle whereas a little mileage savings banked brings stress relief, joy and hope. 2018 divided by 365 (my daily requirement) is 5.53 miles. From experience I know I need to "stock up" for the "stuff happens" days. My daily minimum goal is 6 miles and whenever I can I'll squeeze in an extra run or mile. 

Part of my fail to achieve the 2017 goal was over training with lack of stretching. My body felt so great I'd slack off from this very important part of exercise. This year I'm determined to do better, making stretching after running a higher priority. This month I've enrolled in a month of unlimited classes at the local Yoga studio (Yoga Room Conroe). I've started the month with the goal of attending a class every day and seeing how many days I can sustain it! well today i'm 3 in 3!

What ever your challenge, the goals you've set, I wish you joy in the process and a successful outcome. Do your best every day ;-) and when you fail/have mini set backs, get back up, treating every day as a new day.

Last year, Kitt Taylor, decided to take the challenge. She walked 2017 miles in 2017! 

For inspiration here's a great video of a fellow mom who accomplished the challenge. Let me know if you're curious to play with the challenge for the next week, month or perhaps 2019!
