The Body as Shadow — Soma Ranch

The Body as Shadow

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Over the past 25 years with Nia Technique, I've witnessed many ups and downs in relationships, both in myself and also with participants. 20 years ago, as a new mum and a new Nia trainer, I was at one of my lowest of lows, I felt inadequate in many areas, lacked direction and felt like I seriously needed help. I enrolled in an alternative master's degree program in Dance Therapy, offered at the Jung Center in Houston, I learned a lot and received some amazing guidance.  

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Erica Lorentz was one of my main mentors, I attended her Monday night Authentic Movement group and feel like I experienced 20 years of talk therapy in 2 semesters! Who I am today as a woman, mother and Nia trainer has been significantly influenced by the deep work I dove into through Authentic Movement, guided by Erica.

I'm super excited to have reconnected with Erica and to be hosting her for a very special "Body as Shadow" weekend retreat at Soma Ranch next weekend. Erica now lives near Boston and is flying in for this special retreat. We've extended the early bird rate through tomorrow (Saturday, February 17th) let me know if you are interested in joining us. 

This retreat is excellent for anyone interested in personal development, holding space for others, enhancing witnessing skills (in self and others) and healing.

I don't know if/when we will offer a retreat like this again. If you are interested in future offerings please email
