Let's Clean up!

Want to clean up your eating? thoughts? desk? house? LIFE? We are creating a fun, friendly, FREE support group and you’re invited. We plan to go through several cleanses over the next 60 days, including the option of a 21 day detox program with Donna Gates.
Click here to join Helen’s “Cultured Friends” FaceBook Page,
then watch for announcements about free teleconferences with Helen, pot luck get togethers and lots of choices with regards cleaning up your act!

Do you wake up in the morning with a desire to eat right and go to sleep with disappointment? are you overwhelmed and challenged to get caught up? we are here to help support each other and make shift happen …

Reset Your Body and Mind! A 21-Day Whole Life Detox: Incredible Healing-Inside and Out!

Here’s a video intro from Donna about the 21 day detox
